Thursday, November 29, 2007

Remoting Object Flex

In mxml this code would be used

For every method defined in the remote object there should be fault and result function

//result function
private function getFullDetailsSuccessfull(evt:ResultEvent):void

jobMaster = ArrayCollection(evt.result);


// fault function
private function getFullDetailsFailed(evt:FaultEvent):void
this.enabled =true;"There was an error communicating to theserver:"+evt.fault.faultCode);

Corresponding to this there should be entry in remoting-config.xml
the destination should be same defined in the mxml file

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Flex Custom Resizable and Min-Max Panel

Here a snipplet of code which would help you to make a resizable panel which can be minimised when its not in use.

creationComplete="initComp()" >



// the title property
private var _title:String;
public function set title(t:String) : void
_title = t;
public function get title() : String
return _title;

// the subComponents property (default)
private var _myChildren:Array;
public function set subComponents(a:Array) : void
_myChildren = a;
public function get subComponents() : Array
return _myChildren;

private function addSubComponents() : void
if( _myChildren == null ) return;
for(var i:int=0; i < _myChildren.length; i++) {
panel.addChild( _myChildren[i] );

// the controlComponents property
private var _myControlChildren:Array;
public function set controlComponents(a:Array) : void
_myControlChildren = a;
public function get controlComponents() : Array
return _myControlChildren;

private function addControls() : void
if( _myControlChildren == null ) return;
for(var i:int=0; i < _myControlChildren.length; i++) {
controlBar.addChild( _myControlChildren[i] );

// display minimize button property
public var showMinimize:Boolean = true;

// display maximize button property
public var showMaximize:Boolean = true;

private function initComp() : void
if( !showMinimize ) minButton.width=0;
if( !showMaximize ) maxButton.width=0;

// minimizes (or restores) this control
public function minimize(fireEvent:Boolean=true) : void
if( currentState == 'minimized' ) {
currentState = '';
if( fireEvent ) dispatchEvent( new Event("normalized") );
else {
currentState = 'minimized';
if( fireEvent ) dispatchEvent( new Event("minimized") );

// maximizes (or restores) this control
public function maximize(fireEvent:Boolean=true) : void
if( currentState == 'maximized' ) {
currentState = '';
if( fireEvent ) dispatchEvent( new Event("normalized") );
else {
currentState = 'maximized';
if( fireEvent ) dispatchEvent( new Event("minimized") );

public function normalize(fireEvent:Boolean=true) : void
currentState = '';
if( fireEvent ) dispatchEvent( new Event("normalized") );

left="0" top="0" bottom="0" right="0"
creationComplete="addSubComponents(); addControls()">


you can accesss it any where in your application using tag

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Why Flex ?

World is recognising flex day by day so come up and have your hands with me in flex.
I have list of flex components which can be customised according to your needs ,
just pass your quieres to my mail and i would surely help you with your problems on flex.
The best combination is of tomcat +mysql+flex .

Monday, July 23, 2007

Welcome to Varun's Technical knowledge Base

I hope there is something for you.

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